Ottoman Empire Konur Alp Real Family & Battles | History in Hindi/Urdu

Hello Friends! Welcome to the Qayadat Play.The stories of Turkish warriors have been embellished in Ottoman history. The names of many brave men are recorded in golden letters in this glorious history. You must have heard the stories of Ottoman sultans and princes. But there is no example of brave men and their loyalty in this era. These loyalties and friendships passed from generation to generation were your examples. How did the grandson of Sulaiman Shah's close friend become Osman Ghazi's most loyal friend? This story is indeed very interesting. 

Tracing the characters of the early Ottoman period is no less than a challenge. Because this history was penned after several hundred years Therefore, very little information is available about some of the characters. But fans want to know the details of these interesting characters. and the important events connected with their lives. Where heroic characters like Osman Ghazi grab everyone's attention. Their fans are also interested in the stories of such heroes. Those who laid the bricks with their own hands laid the foundation of this great state. Osman stood by Ghazi and his descendants. 

He inscribed himself in history with such characters. Which will be remembered for centuries. One of Osman Ghazi's closest associates is Konur Alp. Which was also a very strong character historically. During the reign of Ertugrul Ghazi, Turgut Alp was his closest and closest friend. Similarly, Konur Alp Osman Ghazi was considered to be the right arm. and history also agrees with it. And what is the best aspect if you are told.  These two grew up together, married, and built a great state. What was Konur alp's relation to Osman Ghazi's ancestors? 

And how this friendship was passed down through the generations. This is the most important topic. Osman Ghazi's grandfather, Sulaiman Shah, and Dede Konur were close associates. Konur Alp was a descendant of Tulloni, the youngest son of Konur. This friendship started in Turkmenistan and extended to Khorasan and Anatolia. Not only that, they also came together in Ahlat and Ankara. And even migration to Soghut could not separate them. 

Tolone Bey was a good friend of Ertugrul Ghazi. Who had settled with him in Sogut? No difficulty could separate them. The two tribes were not far apart after the arrival of Sugot. Therefore, Konur and Osman Ghazi spent most of their time together. Konur Alp was married to a Soomro woman. With whom he had three children. According to some information, Osman Ghazi and Konur Alp's marriage was very close. But it is believed that Konur Alp was only a few years younger than Osman Ghazi. Although his date of birth is not recorded, The friendship between the two was so ripe. After Osman Ghazi's dream of statehood, Konuralp did not leave him alone in any field. 

He was ready to sacrifice everything for this high cause. A great struggle began for the peaceful future and happiness of the Turks. After the death of Ertugrul Ghazi, Osman Ghazi took over the leadership. And with the fall of the Seljuk state, the Ottoman state was officially declared by about 1302. According to the traditions, When the pledge of the holy claim was taken while holding the sword, Konur Alp also stayed with Osman Ghazi. With the rise of the empire, Konur Alp emerged as the special commander of Osman Ghazi. who led the Ottoman army in many campaigns. 

Konur alp's services during Orhan Ghazi's reign are clear. But during the time of Osman Ghazi, history had little information about him. Years later, history came in book form. So according to historian Ashiq Pashahzade, He appeared in historical documents for the first time during the Sakaria campaign. But according to Idris-i-Bitlis, during the attack on Inegol, He went to war along with Abd al-Rahman Ghazi, Samsa Cavaus, and Akcha Koja. And then they were together on the Sakarya campaign.  Historians almost agree on the future conquest and layout of the forts. 

Konur Alp was a veteran Ottoman commander. who was famous for defeating major Byzantine governors. Konur Alp conquered large territories with the raiding party. and was instrumental in expanding the celestial frontiers. In Osman Ghazi's group, he was considered to be the most skilled fighter in terms of combat techniques. It was during Osman Ghazi's lifetime that Orhan Ghazi became the army chief. So even under his command, Konur Alp made very powerful attacks. And great victories came to the Ottomans.  Konur Alp began his conquests from Akiazi, expanding the Ottoman frontiers. And then we continued to Düzce, Bolu Hendek, and Mudurnu. 

The Byzantine historian Herodotus gives some details of these attacks. Accordingly, Akyazi was a small town. In which the Thracian people lived Once, this area was under the control of the generals of Alexander the Great. A small part of Sacaria was also known as Regio Tersia. The Seljuks also acquired it shortly before the Battle of Manazkirt. But again, it came under Byzantine control. He offered the Fajr prayer with his five thousand soldiers at Konur Alp.  And I went out to get Akiazi. By evening, they had reached the city. After spending the night there, after the next morning prayers, 

Akiazi had become part of the Ottoman state. After this victory, the next target was Handik. Which was on the same line? It was also a small town like Akiazi. Here too, Konuralp used the same tactic. He easily incorporated it into Ottoman territory. This area was given the name of Konur Alp.  In 1321 BC, on the orders of Khan Ghazi, Kunalup also captured Mudanya during the Marmara campaign. But now was the time to conquer the city.  which was on the banks of the Melon River. which was called Düzce. It was one of the 12 cities of Bithynia. Because of its beauty, everyone wanted to 

have it. Konur Alp advanced to conquer this town on the slopes of a small hill by the Melen River. A small fort also stood in the way. which was captured by Konur Alp without much resistance, and then, in 1323, he captured Düzce as well.  Now it was the turn of Bollus, the favorite city of the Roman Empire. It was one of the most important cities in Bithynia. Konur Alp started to gallop his horses in that direction. Which was once under the Seljuk state. Now Aram's time in Düzce was over. And Konur Alp had set out to wrest Bollo from the Byzantines. But this time, it was not so easy. 

For one, he had to make a difficult journey through the mountains. And then, after two days and two nights of bloody fighting, Bolo was conquered. After staying here for a short time, they moved towards.  Mudurnu and captured that too. which was in a narrow valley between two mountains. After these two major victories, he returned to Duzche. All these victories are telling. That this brave man's passion for war had never waned. This warrior, skilled in warfare, conquered Geve, Alp Suyu, and Adranos. and Karacepis, along with a group of Ghazis. 

According to some traditions, in 1323, when Duzche was conquered, Osman Ghazi was the leader of this war. and after obtaining it, it was handed over to Konuralp. In all these battles, Konur Alup showed great bravery. He played a very important role in strengthening the roots of the Ottoman state. Now the biggest target of the Ottomans was Bursa. The victory was Osman Ghazi's dream and also his will. Konur Alp played a brilliant role in Bursa's victory to fulfill his great teammate's dream. And perform great responsibilities in this war. But this great battle proved to be his last campaign. 

In which he could participate Because after the victory of Bursa, he died in the same year, i.e., 1326. Many places Konur Alp conquered. He was under his control. But after his death, the leadership of all the regions was given to Prince Murad. Where is Konur Alup's grave? There is little disagreement about this. But it is said that it is his honorary tomb. All this information is selected from the book Konur Alp by Turkish author Ilhan Akin. He had recorded this information after doing a lot of research on the life of this brave man. How did viewers like the story of this brave man? And tell us about which historical character you want to know in the comment box. share the article. See you soon!

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